Penggunaan Brand Ambassador Laudya Cynthia Bella pada Bandung Makuta Cake sebagai Upaya Membangun Citra Merek
Nowadays celebrity cake trends in every major city start coming up, these coming ups also followed by the utilization of celebrities as the brand ambassador of those products. One of them is the coming up of Bandung Makuta Cake in Bandung City. Bandung Makuta Cake has a brand ambassador, Laudya Cynthia Bella who’s also known as a celebrity. The utilization of a brand ambassador for a product is very important and lots of brands using celebrities or influential people as their brand ambassadors. As an effort to build a brand image done by Bandung Makuta through the utilization of a brand ambassador, the researcher wanted
to know how a brand ambassador takes part in celebrity’s cake brands to build a brand image. This research is qualitative research. The research was data collected and asked in a form of words and pictures, those words then constructed into a sentence. The result of this research could be concluded from five indicators of brand ambassador, the utilization of brand ambassador in transference and congruence indicator take the best parts. In the image building factor, the power and association advantage of the brand in the use of a brand ambassador has been achieved. From the research in the utilization of brand ambassador in Bandung Makuta Cake could be concluded brand ambassador can build a brand image of Bandung Makuta Cake
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