Perancangan Rangkaian Cutter Pada Mesin Tenun Sunglee Bagian Unit Iii Dengan Metode Design For Manufacturing (Dfm) Di Pt. A
PT. A is one of the companies engaged in the fabric. Produce various type of fabric into one way to be able to compete with other textile companies. Some fabric products experience problem, especially on the feed always on the edge of the fabric, the result of feed adds the amount of quality of grade C grade, the last 4 monhts of feed on the edge of the cloth reaches 35%, the cutter that should function now is not repaired because the spare part is not found. Improved redesign of the cutter in sunglee weaving machine needs to be done to improve the C grade that continues to risew due to woven feed on the edge of fabric. The design process of cutter with DFM method is problem solution for unit III, DFM method make design more take into account the easiness of making the design, the selection of the right materials, the design price does not require high cost, the design can be a solution for the problem. The designs were made using an energy change system, which used a scissor knife to cut the remainder of the feed shift, then was replaced with a heat system using a brass material, but not due to the exorbitant design price. The design changes were made by using heat-shifted niklin wire using the principle of energy change from electric energy converted to heat energy.
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