Representasi Warna Merah Pada Wayang Golek Si Cepot


  • Feri Sandria Nurhidayat


This research aims to find out the representation of red color in the puppet of si Cepot. The red color always considered identical with negative color. In this research, the writer will investigate the colors which exist in the puppet’s character from different aspects. The writer decides to study the color because it is interesting. Color can be a symbol and meanings that can warn people regarding what they are supposed to do and what they are not supposed to do. This research employs qualitative approach using semiotic analysis. The data are collected from interview, observation, documentation, and study of literature. The subject of this research is the character of si cepot puppet with red colors. The findings of this study show that there is a meaning in the red color of the puppet using different types of color analysis that in the end of the day will yield to various emotions. Red color viewed as desire, danger, heat, and related to emotion. The findings then categorize the red color of the puppet as the representation of human’s character that is greedy, desirous, and courageous. Yet the red color of the puppet basically represents the desire and the courage of the puppet as his rebellion towards the peoples’ arbitrariness which always greedy over everything. Thus the puppet is the human representation which described in the role of puppet “si cepot”.


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