
  • Rodiyatun Nahwiyyah
  • Eriyanti Nurmala Dewi


The research entitled “The Function of Emoticon as Nonverbal Language in Digital Communication” uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method. The basic assumption of this research is symbolic interaction. It Aims to understand the meaning and the benefits of emoticons, when the emoticons are used, the communication which are related with emoticons, and to know the response of group members. Emoticon is a non verbal language which is used in online media. The emoticons are used to complement verbal messages, to represent expressions, as media support, to conveus emotions and to turn on communication that have a disadvantage in media communication. The use of emoticons are different depends on the individual’s openness in expressing the emotion feels. The open individuals are more intents in using emoticons in the context of serious or non-disclosure. Emoticons can be an obstacle and can also be a handling in obstacles to avoid endless conflict. Some members start communication by inserting emoticons and some others use emoticons to respond. The use of emoticons is expected to become a media of communication in forming a relationship so that the group communication in WhatsApp Messenger well established.


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