
  • Wulan Trisuntari
  • Akhmad Yani Surachman


The communication patterns of husbands in closed polygamy families are different from patterns of communication in open polygamy families. In families with closed polygamy, the communication experience that occurs is that the husband is more open to the second wife than to the first wife. This is understandable because the husband could not possibly open his secrets to the first wife. Therefore, this study aims to determine the form, style, and behavior of husband’s interpersonal communication to old wives and young wives in closed polygamy families using a phenomenological approach. The results showed that: communication between husband and old wife is less harmonious due to lack of openness, empathy for support, positive feelings, and similarity, whereas communication between husband and young wife there are minimal characteristics that are often reciprocating, suggesting interpersonal relationships, taking place in a free, varied and influential atmosphere; the quality of communication that is developed between husband and young wife occurs having good communication patterns, there is appreciation between family members to each other, and has free time to spend together (spending time together) when compared to older wives; Interpersonal communication behavior shown by the husband to the elderly wife is quite successful in covering that the husband has had another wife in the last 2 years. The husband’s strategy is to use the Whatsapps application when communicating with an elderly wife, whereas with a young wife using the Line application. Another strategy is to give understanding to young wives not to contact their husbands when they are not together, especially if the husband is near his first wife. The husband’s communication strategy and behavior were not suspected because the husband did not reduce the weekly and monthly household budget to the first wife.


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