Cikarang Post Office has a superior product, namely logistics products in postal cargo services, this is supported because the Cikarang Post Office is in a potential location in developing the logistics product market, especially postal cargo. In order for the postal cargo service product to be better known by shipping service users, especially factories in the Cikarang industrial area, the Cikarang Post Office carries out digital marketing activities through social media platforms. This study aims to describe the implementation of digital marketing in promoting Cargo Services, describe the results obtained from using Instagram as a promotional media for Jasa Kargo, describe the supporting factors and strengths of using Instagram as a promotional media for Jasa Kargo, and describe the weaknesses or obstacles of using Instagram as a medium. Promotion of Cargo Services PT. Pos Indonesia Cikarang using a case study approach. The results illustrate that the Cikarang Post Office carries out digital marketing activities using the 7P marketing communication strategy (product, price, place, promotion, physical evidence, people and process) by publishing the various advantages of postal cargo services they offer, and responding to any comments or questions from customers or potential customers. From this digital marketing activity resulted in an increase in the number of customers. The promotion component is not fulfilled, due to bureaucratic obstacles that make the Cikarang Post Office unable to create their own promotional materials according to their target market.
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