
  • Syaiful Huda


Tirto.id is an online-based news mass media. The most people think of is speed. Meanwhile, the news presented by Tirto.id is not long-form, such as the news entitled ‘Those who are United and Enemies in the Action to Defend Islam II’. To overcome this, infographics are assisted to make it easier for readers to understand the contents of the news as a whole. However, infographics can lead to interpretations as in news headlines and infographic titles are different. Because, the title of the news: ‘Those who are United and Enemies in the Action to Defend Islam II’, while the title is ‘infographic: ‘Participants of the 4 November Demo’. Therefore, this study aims to determine the objective reality, subjective reality, as well as news and infographics framing ‘Those who are United and Enemies in the Action to Defend Islam II’. The research uses Van Dijk’s discourse analysis method. Data collection was carried out by means of micro data, meso data, and macro data stages. The results of the study show that: 1. The news construction of ‘Those who are United and Enemies in the Action to Defend Islam II’ provides in-depth and thorough information, is not stripping, and does not only pursue speed; 2. The construction of news headlines is SEO friendly, attracts attention, and contains elements of exploitation of the reader’s cognitive side (curiosity gap) in the use of the word “united and hostile” which also describes the principle of cover both sides. However, the infographic is not balanced because it only presents one side; 3. Elements of the macro structure and news superstructure entitled ‘Those Who Are United and Enemies in the Action to Defend Islam II’ describe the two parties who support and reject the Action of Defending Islam as opposed to each other in their ideological attitudes and views, both in terms of the way of da’wah, as well as the attitude of the nation and state. Meanwhile, from the elements of the micro structure, the overall content of the news is well woven. The lexical choice of “united and hostile” expresses Tirto.id’s idea of differences in addressing the issue of the Action to Defend Islam. Rhetorically, Tirto.id places or positions itself in the middle, not in one of the hostile groups. However, in terms of visual image, namely the infographic entitled “Demo 4 November Participants”, it seems to be in favor of GNPF MUI.


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