Mondelez International launched Belvita Breakfast Biscuits in April 2016. Belvita is the only biscuit that presents itself as a breakfast biscuit in Indonesia. However, according to data from head of food and nutrition, 1 of 3 that the Indonesian society themselves rarely breakfast especially breakfast biscuits. This research aims to know Belvita marketing communication strategy in branding effort as breakfast biscuit by using IMS strategy of dwisapta model. The research method used is qualitative method with descriptive approach and post positivism paradigm where the researcher can not get fact from a reality if the researcher make distance with reality that exist and must be interactive. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with Belvita Mondelez, expert informants, consumers and observation. Data analysis techniques used are Miles and Huberman data reduction, data presentation, as well as withdrawal of conclusions and verification. The results of this study that the marketing communication strategy conducted by Belvita according to Dwi Sapta’s IMC Model. But in an effort of branding Belvita as a breakfast biscuit has not been embedded yet into the minds and habbit of consumers to complement Belvita as breakfast.
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