Open-ended approach, mathematical problem solving, self-conceptAbstract
is applied to improve the mathematical problem solving ability of students by using Open-ended approach. The purpose of
this research was to find out whether there were differences in the improvement of mathematical problem solving abilities
between students using Open-ended approach and students used the Problem-Based Learning model, as well as knowing the
students' self-concept of mathematics learning with the Open-ended approach. The method was used in this study is a quasiexperimental
method, with a pretest-posttest control group design research. The study was conducted in one of the junior high
schools in Bandung Regency. The population in this study were all seventh grade students of one of the junior high schools
in Bandung Regency, while the samples were students of class VII-A as an experimental class and class VII-D as a control
class. The experimental class is treated with Open-ended approach and the control class is treated with Problem-Based
Learning model. The instrument were a mathematical problem solving ability test, student questionnaire and teacher
observation sheet. In this study quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. Based on the analysis of the results of
mathematical problem solving tests, the conclusion is the improvement of students' problem solving ability using the Openended
approach is no better than the students who use the Problem-Based Learning model in mathematics learning. Although
the improvement of problem solving in experimental class students is not better than control class students, but at least the
Open-ended approach has a positive effect on students' self-concept.
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