Information Literacy, Mathematic educationAbstract
number of circulating information. The amount of information that is available now makes finding
information difficult, so it takes the ability to search, choose and evaluate which information is needed. The
ability to search, choose and evaluate information better known as information literacy is an ability that must
be owned by the community to realize an information society. Students are part of the community who play
a role in filling development, of course must have this ability as a basic ability. With information literacy that
is capable of helping students achieve optimal academic abilities and support student self regulated learning.
Especially students who are completing their thesis to get an academic degree, this ability is very supportive
of students when looking for relevant sources or references that support the research topic. This research
was carried out in the 2015/2016 academic year with the research subjects being 70 students who contracted
thesis, consisting of 17 male students and 53 female students. The instrument used is an information literacy
questionnaire adapted from Nurtiar (2012). Based on the results of data analysis, it was obtained a picture
that the average level of information literacy of thesis students in the Department of Mathematics Education
Untirta amounted to 40.17 included in the less category. This indicates that students are aware of the need
to get the information needed, and have knowledge about matters relating to the search and use of
information even though there are still few. So that it requires guidance and intensive information literacy
training that is integrated in one subject
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