Education, local wisdom, science and technology, 21st century education.Abstract
paradigm of human thinking that is increasingly diverse. This also results in increasingly large challenges in the world of education
today. Therefore, everything must be prepared relating to education in the 21st century that changes and develops rapidly along with the
rapid development of Science and technology. The rapid changes that occur in the world of education are expected to not cause us to be
uprooted from the cultural roots that we have inherited from time to time. Based on such background, an education based on local
wisdom should be developed. Local wisdom, among others, in the form of values, norms, beliefs, natural resources, culture and customs,
or rules that support the development of human resources. Local wisdom is integrated into various educational activities both curricular,
co-curricular and extra-curricular as well as school or educational institution management. The learning can be done by choosing
strategies, approaches, methods and techniques that are considered suitable for incorporating local wisdom in various forms.
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