About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Cakupan bidang keilmuan Jurnal yaitu meliputi rumpun Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Politik & Hukum dalam kaitannya dengan Pendidikan, Fenomena Sosial Budaya Masyarakat.
Peer Review Process
1. Pengusul melakukan registrasi melalui OJS kemudian menghubungi pengelola Jurnal melalui email;
2. Setelah pengelola Jurnal mengkonfirmasi adanya ketersediaan kuota artikel yang telah terdaftar dan siap untuk di review oleh Tim Penyunting Ahli;
3. Formulir pengusulan dan berkas artikel memlalui OJS;
4. Setelah semua berkas dinyatakan lengkap, proses review selesai dan dinyatakan layak terbit maka artikel akan dipublikasikan dalam OJS dan pengusul akan menerima Jurnal sebanyak 2 eksemplar, adapun jika artikel pengusul terdapat catatan perbaikan dari Tim Penyunting Ahli diberikan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki artikel tersebut.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
Dissemination of research results basically can not be separated from the overall research activities and can be used as an indicator of the quality of research through publication in scientific periodical quality.
Journal of National Awareness Civil Society is a peer-reviewed journal that
publishes scientific articles from scholarly study of social and educational. These articles include original scientific research results (top priority), the article reviews recent scientific nature, or commentary or criticism of a phenomena that exist.
Journal of National Awareness Civil Society published by the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study (PPKn), the Faculty of Education, University of Islam Nusantara
Bandung. The purpose of this publication Scientific Journal of National Awareness Civil Society not be separated from the creation of a society of civil purpose, namely a civilized society, uphold human values, which are advanced in the mastery of science and technology. Journal of National Awareness Civil Society published articles from various academics and researchers both nationally
and internationally, with a periodization of publishing regularly twice each year. Journal of National Awareness Civil Society are expected to participate in the overall participation
of scientific development.