Maintenance of Democracy Values in Village Government Through “BPD” Organization Activities
Democratic Value, Village Government, BPD ActivitiesAbstract
Village Consultative Organization (BPD) is an element of the institution in organizing Village government. Democratic values can be realized if the BPD has carried out its role well so that the emergence of democratic values, namely the participation in democratic activities, freedom of opinion and cooperation in solving problems. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical methods. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) of Panyadap Village had been said to play a role in increasing the democratic value of the village government, because in carrying out their duties and roles the performance was optimal. The level of participation of the Panyadap Village community is quite active in every existing democratic activity, such as legislative elections, RT / RW elections and participating in deliberations with BPD members so that they can increase democratic values such as freedom, respect for diversity and change of leadership. faced by the BPD in improving democratic values in Panyadap Village government is the busyness of the BPD administrators themselves as well as facilities and budgets to support their duties as members of the BPD. need to be addressed, urging the public to have a role as a supervisor or monitoring in addition to channeling aspirations.References
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