Citizenship Education Teacher Discussion in Efforts To Raise Profesional Teacher Competence


  • A Rais Bajuri Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Muhammad Halimi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



MGMP, Professional Competence, Citizenship Education Teacher


This study focus on development of teacher competence through Subject Teacher Deliberation or Musyarawah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) bearing in mind that education is integral part of teacher as spearhead in learning process in the field. Teachers have central role in educational success of a nation, because in essence teacher is executor in educating students. It means that teachers have mandate and big responsibility in enhancing educational quality which effect on human resource quality. In implementing their mandate, teachers should become role model for their students whether in their knowledge, attitude and behavior. Therefore, there is a need to manage teachers through organization in the effort to develop teacher competence. Meanwhile, data collection technique use interview, observation, and documentary study. Furthermore, the data obtained is processed by using triangulation technique.


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