Critical Thinking Ability of Elementart School Student in The Citizenship Education


  • Eka Jayadiputra Universitas Islam Nusantara
  • Odang Suparman Universitas Islam Nusantara



Critical Thinking, Learners, Project Citizen


Model of Project Citizen applies the theory of constructivism learning where the learners establish their knowledge through interaction that related to the object, phenomenon, experience, and environment so that it stimulates critical thinking for learners to observe, ask, and analyze the problem that happened in surroundings and give the solutions. Therefore, it will influence toward the reinforcement of critical thinking skill for learners. In addition, Model of Project Citizen also applies the concept of group work or cooperative learning because this model goes on the opening to closing of learning, the learners always work in group each other, share thoughts or ideas each other, give opinions, and appreciate each other so that it created the classroom as laboratory of democracy. This learning model also trains the learners to be active involved in problem solving activity. This model is not only for cognitive aspect which is required for learners but it is also for affective and psychomotor aspect that could be acquired through the survey activity by looking and criticizing a lot of problems. Nevertheless, it will create smart and good citizen, which has the height critical power, capable to participate actively, and responsible in social life for the nation and country.


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